Mobile Payments
An open system for mobile payment transactions.
Mobile Payments provides an open system for mobile payment transactions that include financial and non-financial services for both banked and unbanked users. Financial institutions can implement the solution to provide their users with an accessible platform to conduct transactions, whereas the central bank implements the solution to provide an interoperable landscape between those financial institutions. Benefits of Mobile Payments include:
Control over mobile payments ecosystem
Facilitated financial inclusion
New revenue streams
Lower operational costs
Actionable customer insights and data


Payment Services
Offers money transfers, bill payments, pensions, payrolls, direct credit and more.

Open Architecture
Provides an interoperable ecosystem between all financial institutions offering mobile payments.

User Types
Serves banked and unbanked users, merchants, agents, companies, government agencies and more.

Useful Parameters
Defines business day schedule, cut-off times, settlement schedules and permitted client types.

Utilizes advanced security measures for protected communication, verification and validation.

Valuable Integrations
Integrates with anti-money laundering systems and others to ensure regulatory compliance.

Interoperability and financial inclusion
Mobile Payments provides full interoperability in the mobile payments ecosystem, and as it caters for both banked and unbanked users, this end-to-end landscape improves financial inclusion rates in the country while also offering financial institutions with new revenue streams.
The solution also prevents monopolies, enhances control over mobile payment users and providers, and offers new and convenient services to users in the country.
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